Bighorn Medicine Wheel, The Mysteries
The Bighorn Medicine Wheel and Unraveling the Mysteries

The Medicine Wheel is a cultural landmark located in Bighorn County, nestled high in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. The Medicine Wheel sits at almost 10,000 feet in elevation and is only 12 miles South of the Montana border. This ancient stone structure is believed to be over 1,000 years old and continues to intrigue archaeologists, historians, and visitors alike. Every year Its mysteries invite exploration; only accessible from June through September, due to the winter wonderland that descends on us here in Wyoming.
A Sacred Space
The Bighorn Medicine Wheel is an architectural marvel. It has been called the Sacred Hoop; it is a sacred space. The white men called it the "Medicine Wheel." The Native American Indians called it "The Place Where The Eagle Lands." The Medicine Wheel is comprised of a circular arrangement of stones, 82 feet in diameter with 28 radiating lines and small stone cairns.
For those who do not know, a "cairn" is a mound of stones used to form a path, boundary or sometimes as a memorial. Cairns symbolize center and grounding, calm, peace and meditation.
The wheel has been and is still used for vision quests, ceremonies, healing and health. The surrounding areas were used by the Native Americans for gathering medicinal plants, prayer and camping. Some scholars suggest it was used for astronomical observations. That the 28 rows are in representation of the 28 days on the Lunar calendar and that they align with the sunrise and sunset on Summer Solstice. The wheel’s orientation points to important landmarks and seasonal changes. The Indigenous peoples who built it had a deep and true understanding of the cosmos.
Spiritual Significance
For many cultures, the Medicine Wheel symbolizes the interconnectedness of all life, encompassing emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual realms. The structure is said to have been used for rituals, ceremonies, and healing practices. This fostered a sense of community and connection to the natural world; something we all need today!
A Place of Reflection
Today, The Medicine Wheel is one of several wheels that are known to exist in the Rocky Mountains. visitors to the Bighorn Medicine Wheel often find it a place of reflection and contemplation. The surrounding mountain views and valleys are absolutely stunning; it just adds to its mystical allure. Many come to seek inspiration, to meditate or honor the traditions of those who came before them.
Research and Preservation
While much has been learned about the Bighorn Medicine Wheel, many questions still remain. Researchers still aim to uncover more about its construction, its purposes, and find out more about the ones who used it. The wheel currently faces threats from human activity and natural erosion.
The Bighorn Medicine Wheel is a powerful symbol of culture, spirituality, and connection to the universe. Its mysteries continue to inspire wonder. As we seek to understand all its significance; if that will ever be possible, we also honor the mysterious traces of a presence as mysterious as the Medicine Wheel's arrival.
Personal Experience
I came across a post online about the Medicine Wheel and I got the craziest feeling of Deja vu. I actually had a memory of being at a place just like that and skipping through the lines of stones at the age of 6 or 7, only there were no fences in my memory. I remember my father telling me not to touch anything! I had a family member show up that same night and I was telling him about the post and he says "We were there, you know." I couldn't believe it. He remembered everything about it, having been 4 years older than I was. He especially remembered dads apprehension of us running around. I couldn't believe, I actually still held that memory and remembered it too! We spent quite a few vacations in the Bighorns as a child. I used to think vacations with mom and dad were boring but now; several years later, I am just thankful they took me.
#bighornmountains #medicinewheel #wyoming #spiritual
Song: Indian Reservation By: Paul Revere & The Raiders
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