Fear; Rational or Irrational, Everything Yearned For Is On the Other Side Of It!
I am sure you have heard that fear is either rational or irrational. I am not sure that I like that!
Rational Fears Being:
Parents passing away
Being homeless
Getting Old or
Not being or doing enough
Irrational Fears Being:
Fear of hair
Fear of trees or
Fear of objects being on your right.
Rational or irrational, they are all very real!
Fear whether rational or irrational is essential to our survival. Fear can also have ill effects if chronically lived with. The part of our brain that controls fear is the amygdala. The amygdala lives in our temporal lobe and is responsible for controlling our emotions and behavior. It is mainly responsible for pleasure, anxiety, anger and fear.
Fear triggers a survival instinct and readies our bodies and minds to deal with it. It causes us to react by freezing, hiding or running away. Our body enters a Fight or Flight mode that raises our blood pressure, heartrate and breathing. Our muscles tense, adrenalin spikes, our blood flow changes, we begin to sweat and our eyesight even sharpens, which I find seriously amazing!
Fear affects our physical health as well; especially if fear is lived with for an extended period of time, it becomes chronic fear.
Chronic fear can cause:
Accelerated aging
Premature death
Gastrointestinal issues
Heart damage &
Weakens our immunity
I have heard that everyone is born with a fear of falling and loud noises; beyond that, the rest are learned behaviors. I suppose this could be true. Fear is one of our most basic human emotions; sometimes happening and alerting us prior to the incident, which is creepy in and of itself.
Some of the most common fears include:
Ophidiophobia - Fear of Snakes
Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders
Glossophobia - Fear of Public Speaking
Social phobia - Fear of Social Interactions &
Acrophobia - Fear of Heights.
More Uncommon Fears Being:
Phobophobia - Fear of Being Afraid
Coulrophobia - Fear of Clowns
Omphalophobia - Fear of Belly Buttons or
Globophobia - Fear of Balloons
I have melissophobia; a fear of bees, I will run for my life!! I have almost wrecked my car trying to get away from them. A Funny Story: I was having a dream that a bee the size of an eagle was chasing me; literally, the size of an eagle! I woke up on top of my husband, having head butted him trying to duck out of the way in my dream. I came to with him screaming "What The F&#$ Are You Doing?" He was NOT impressed but all I could say was "You Should Have Seen The SIZE Of That Bee!!!" I have also had a bit of social fear throughout my life. I felt pretty uncomfortable in large crowds but it has improved with age. Public Speaking was also an issue that I eventually overcame. I am also claustrophobic and am still trying to conquer that one.
There are certain acts we can all perform to try to curb our fears:
Be around people, talk with someone about it
Embrace some happy hobbies &
Take a break from Social Media
Do you experience fear? What fears have you endured? Have your fears gotten better or progressed over the years? What do you do to relieve your fears? Lets discuss it.
Song: One. By: Metallica
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