Nojo and the Holidays; Have You Lost Your Compass During the Holidaze & Some remedies available?
Nojo, Have you lost your compass, especially during the holidaze? Are you one of those with the holidays coming, that life all of a sudden feels like you are surrounded by Nojo? Let's Help Find Your Mojo instead!
Ever heard the saying, "Don't Bother Walking A Mile In My Shoes; 30 Seconds In My Head, That'll Freak You Right Out?" It is so true in many cases!
What makes it worse; that people can not see what is in our minds, more importantly in our hearts. No One Knows!! I wish people could see, then maybe so much would not go unknown or unsaid.
Do you; all of a sudden, feel like you've lost your compass with the upcoming holidaze? Do you; all of a sudden, feel like there is nothing but Nojo surrounding you?
Have you become familiar or refamiliarized with the synonymous curled up position with relentless, breathtaking reels, visions (so to speak) that show up in our minds causing a gasp in our air, a tightness in the chest and the never-ending tears streaming down our cheeks or like there is not enough sleep in the world to keep you dreaming and not thinking.
For some it may be sentimental memories, maybe it is the journey of what you once were and who you are now? Maybe it is the absence of loved ones or to be honest, purely the absence of ones self. No one can punish someone worse than themselves and that is a true fact!!
Most afflicted do not show other people, they do not say anything and suffer in silence, which can; at times, take a very dark turn. There are many challenges during the holidays; such as, finances, finding the perfect gifts, planning meals, trips and get togethers or just having to spend the time you are not sure you can being that emotionally or physically.
38% of people have increased anxiety and stress during the holidays which in turn, leads to depression, sometimes illness and substance abuse. 1 in 5 adults suffers from mental illness and 64% have stated that their mental health always gets worse around the holidays.
I believe, our first remedies are:
To remember laughter; how to smile, you'll feel better and I promise that! The more we smile the better we are!!
Spend time with the loved ones that you still have
Volunteer to help others and it may ease your loneliness
Limit your social media due to it being so, on the negative side these days
Make yourself get up and get moving; make yourself get off the couch and out of that curled position
Run, exercise if you are able to and it really does help
Try not to compare yourself to the past and look towards the future
You need to live in the now to accept the now &
Ask for help if you need it!!
Remember: You'll never see the stars, the clouds or a rainbows if you are always looking down!!!
Most Important and my most favorite saying: Before you diagnose yourself with depression, First make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by Assholes!!!!!
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