Intuition or 6th Sense? An Unconscious Force Trying To Take the Lead.

I would like to move on from musical posts for now, to another area of mojo; an area of my mojo. Excluding, of course, the song recommendations at the end of every post. I will always do that!!
Have you ever been walking alone, got an uneasy feeling and thought to yourself "Don't Go That Way" or met someone and got the feeling that there was more to that person than meets the eye? After the fact; sitting back, being thankful you had that uneasy feeling.
Some believe that feeling is our Intuition or possibly, our 6th Sense. It's like little invisible antennas standing up out of our brains, wiggling and sending signals when we need it most.
I consider myself a very Intuitive person. My Intuition or 6th Sense guides me on a daily basis. Even as a child it guided me. I would pick up on others emotions. I could feel when someone was happy, mad or sad just by encountering them. I also picked up on "vibes," so to speak, when I would meet others. It helped me to navigate what and who was safe. I have to say most of the time, my Intuition wasn't wrong. As I got a little older, I would get gut feelings telling me whether my parents were the wiser and I was in trouble, long before I arrived at home. Most of the time, my feelings were accurate there too.
As an adult, I am soooooo receptive to peoples emotions that at times, I feel myself getting seriously affected by someone in my presence. Some may be angry or super emotional; it's like their emotions or anger is bleeding into the air, making it thick. At times I am so affected, I get angry or emotional myself.
On the contrary, when you have felt someone struggling for a long time and you can finally feel their relief and that they are, at least for now, at ease. It feels good! There are also certain special people who exude happiness, they almost radiate it. Just being in their presence you feel happier, almost calmer.
A couple of times in my life, my Intuition has saved me and members of my family from most certain danger. I always try to mind my Intuition; I trust it, I respect it! At times it does frighten me but I think what frightens me more is not having it.
Some people consider the definition of 6th Sense, to be Intuition. By dictionary definition:
Intuition: An ability to understand something without the need for conscious reasoning. And...
6th Sense: A intuitive faculty giving awareness not explained by normal perception.
In other words, Intuition is the ability to know something without proof and 6th Sense is the natural ability to know things before others.
We have 5 ordinary senses:
Touch &
The most powerful being Sight: We tend to rely on what we see much more than our other senses. Once we see it, other senses take a back seat. Everyone needs to pay attention to their Intuition!!
Our brains use past experiences and environmental cues, including internal signals to create Intuition. There may be evidentiary support for Intuition or 6th Sense but it is such a mystery to most of us. It just happens and is so intriguing; we get these gut feelings so out of the blue, at all times happening when we least expect it. It is very spooky; feels as if we can smell peoples emotions, feel their intentions or when we can sense immediate danger. Intuition can save our lives!!!
There are so many factors that I am sure play a part, like energies. Have you ever played those little games to feel someone else's energy or possibly your own? It radiates off of all of us, some more than others.
Some people look for Intuition in Astrology or Tarot. Some don't believe in any of it. I believe, some feelings can not be denied! Either way, I hope for everyone to be aware and trust your intuition! It is a strange gift; a very mysterious and magnificent gift, it guides us and makes our lives safer. That is if you are listening...
How do you feel about Intuition or 6th Sense? Do you believe in either one? What has happened to you to make you believe or disbelieve? Let's talk, I would love to get some insight on how you feel?
Song: The Doors - People Are Strange
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