Life Smarts, What They Should Be Teaching Our Kids In School!
As an adult and in raising my own children I now see what is missing in schools today; Life Smarts, unfortunately that entails a lot!!

There is so much that has changed over the years in school and in education! With the overwhelming use of computers and other digital media some crucial skills have became entirely over-shadowed in schools.
Thank goodness, I was raised by an amazing mother who was a dedicated teacher. One of the few who existed at the time, who actually cared about the kids and cared about teaching! Unfortunately, there is not a lot of them around anymore! She cared about the skills that were taught that were going to lead her kids into their future! It is really sad but you do not see too many of those anymore. Now days, it is all about the money! In this day it does not seem to be about our kids; it is about the teachers making that paper and getting through their day, so they can go home and get over whatever occurred during that day. Not to say that there aren't still some out there but it makes me crazy!!
Parents are busy with life and work; they do not always have the time to teach their kids, all that needs to be. Back in the day; at least in my history, parents relied on the schools to keep their children up to date with things that they did not. They even had faith that it was happening; their children were learning the core values of life and what it took to make it in life, there was no question. If the parents missed something there was not a question that their children would learn it sooner or later; hopefully sooner than later, today that is not the case. I would like to believe and hope that most parents today know that and are trying harder to instill the values in their children that it takes for them to succeed. Our babies need that today!!!
Today our babies; and I mean babies, need to be learning certain skills. Start them young! They need courses on communication; not only for communication with their peers and people of authority, but their community too. They need to get out there and learn what is around them and what is available to be a part of their future if they choose to do so. They need to learn when to speak and when to listen.
They need courses on emotions; intelligence and resilience, how to focus their thoughts and what to do with them. They need to learn ways to manage stress, this should be required! They need to learn self respect and self care. They need to learn literacy in finances, how to manage their time and distribute it in the best way to implement what they are trying to succeed in. They need courses on problem solving, collaborating with others and teamwork. At the very least, they need to implement basic skills like hunting for a job, cooking, sewing and they need to teach the basic course of cursive again! It is how people developed their writing style; their signature, which is used throughout their entire life.
Everyone is used to the usual Reading and Writing, the English, Math, Spelling, History and Science but what about all the things that our kids are missing out on. If you ask me, most of it is obvious to so many of us of what needs to happen with our children and to be honest most parents can only do so much. Our kids are at school for 7 to 8 hours a day, they have plenty of time to be taught much needed skills. They need to learn the basics that will lead them into their future. The basic curriculum will always be taught in schools but what about all the other skills that they aren't getting at home, the ones that could make or kid's future better. Better than their ancestors, better than their parents and better than the kids before them?
One thing that I truly believe should be implemented into ALL schools is music! I think at least twice a year a popular band should go to all schools and teach the kids how they can love music!
Have any of you seen the video "Unforgettable" by Godsmack? This song is so special to me and I love how they say that we are all imperfectly perfect! If you have not seen or heard it, please look it up and watch it!
Have any of you seen the TV show Ozzy & Jack's World Detour, The Louisville Leopard Percussionists? This is an amazing video and tribute to our great Ozzy Osbourne by some amazing kids, our kids! This should be implemented in all schools at least 2 to 3 times a year!
Have you seen the video with Ozzy & Kelly Osbourne, Changes? Seeing a father and daughter sing together and have a love so tightly held through music is so heart warming to me. Having lost my father; my best friend, this song touches my heart and shows how music can instill an impact on ones life!!
In all videos, watching those kids play the drums, all the instruments, singing and just rocking out. They are absolutely engulfed in it playing notes on their fingers and the instruments in front of them; loving it; something all kids should get the chance to experience! Imagine if all our kids had such an outlook?? Our kids would love this, they could gain skills that they may not have known they have and can learn how music can heal, motivate and help your soul, your entire survival!
Music is a gift, a tool given to all of us and most times for free. There is so much bad out there today and music is one thing we can all reach in some form or another. Lets give our kids that chance, they deserve it!
I am recommending three songs this time.
They are all so important! They all get you inspired and keep one confident that YOU can do it!
Song: Unforgettable By: Godsmack &
Unstoppable By: Sia
Simple Man By: Shinedown - What I want for my boys!!
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