Salem Massachusetts & All Hallows' Eve
Salem Massachusetts is a city located on the north coast of Massachusetts. It has a population of around 45,000 people.
Salem is a beautiful city with All Hallows' Eve on it's coat tails or Halloween as it is called today. It has many stately mansions, it has amazing architecture and the fall foliage is exceptional.

Salem is known as the birthplace of the National Guard, it has a very rich maritime history and is known for the Witch Trials of 1692. Salem has some very unique attractions, beautiful historical monuments and some extremely famous museums.
Salem has a very sinister but captivating history! Salem is known as the "Witch City." As you can imagine; it is a very popular tourist attraction, especially during Halloween. Some still believe that the souls of the dead can return to earth on Halloween!
All Hallows' Eve or Samhain was first observed by Celtic Pagans around 2,500 years ago. Samhain welcomed the harvest and brought in the "dark half of the year;" Samhain occurred from sunset on October 31, to sunset on November 1. The celebration was the origin that is Halloween!
During the festival of Samhain people would wear costumes and light bonfires to ward off spirits. During the witch trials, 200 people were accused of "witchcraft," and 20 people were put to death for the "crime" of witchcraft. The youngest person put to death was 4 or 5 years old by record, in 1692.
Halloween has since evolved; as everything does, to a day of jack-o-lantern carving, festive gatherings, costumes and trick-or-treating.
In October of every year , over 1 million people and growing descend on Salem Massachusetts every year. Salem becomes the Halloween Hub during the entire month of October. It takes about 2-3 days to enjoy all Salem has to offer so; if you decide, I would start a few days prior to Halloween to make sure you can cover the city by Halloween.
There are so many attractions during Halloween in Salem:
Haunted Happenings Festival: Considered one of the worlds largest celebrations of Halloween which includes:
Walking tours
Spiritual Growth, Worship and Education
Trolley Tours
Psychics, seances and fairs
Haunted houses
Hysteria Mentalismo which is a haunted Magic Show
Samhain Celebration, a ball at the Hawthorne Hotel
Shadows of Salem Horror which includes authors, paranormal investigators and live entertainment
Harbor tours & so much more.
Some call it the scariest; The Chambers of Terror Haunted House
The Witch House, the only structure still standing in Salem that holds ties to the witch trials, which housed Judge Johnathan Corwin. He occupied the house for over 40 years; he was a civic leader who investigated the witchcraft claims during the trials and was also local magistrate.
Salem Witch Tour, where one can listen to stories of fear &
There is even a Haunted Mansion Lighting Ceremony which includes
music, dancing, burlesque and a variety of other acts & so much more...
Today in Salem Massachusetts, 800-1,600 people still identify themselves as witches. Salem is a place of rich heritage, history and culture. There is so much haunted lore that if you love Halloween or any kind of Haunted History, this is the place for you!
Have you ever been to Salem Massachusetts? Have you enjoyed the festivities? How do you feel about Salem today? How do you feel about the witch trials? Lets chat about it.
Song: I Put a Spell On You By: Bette Midler, is my favorite for the spooky season. There are so many versions and remakes and out of them all; trust me I've listened to them all, Bette Midler is my favorite. I also like the Annie Lennox version. Listen & Enjoy!!
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