Tarot, Unlocking the Mysteries: A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Cards
Hello Everyone, Happy October! It's the Spooky Time of Year!!!
I am going into yet another part of my mojo. Have you ever heard of Tarot? Have you ever been intrigued; if even a little, by Tarot or what the cards can do for you? Have you ever had a reading done for you? If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions then this is for you.
The Tarot was a part of ancient civilization that is still a part of modern civilization today. The Tarot is a special deck of cards used in some cases for playing games, divination or for fortune-telling.
A standard Tarot deck includes 78 cards split into 2 sections, Minor and Major Arcana.
Minor Arcana
Includes 56 cards with 4 suites of 14 cards each.
Suits Include:
Cups - Represent the Water Element or "Suite of Hearts" and Illustrates emotional matters. Some associate it with love, feelings and at times the subconscious.
Coins - Disks or Pentacles - Represents the Earth Element or "Suite of Diamonds" and Illustrates Money and the Physical. Some associate it with the Physical or Stability
Swords - Represent the Air Element or "Suite of Spades" and Illustrates Intellectual Intrigues. Some associate it with Communication and intellect &
Wands - Represent the Fire Element or "Suite of Clubs" and Illustrates Inspiration and Passion. Some associate it with the heart and spirit.
Major Arcana or "Trumps"
Includes 22 cards representing spiritual matters and trends.
Directions and Colors play a part as well.
North - Represents White
South - Represents Red
East - Represents Yellow &
West - Represents Black.
Tarot does so many things:
The Tarot tells stories
Can help you to learn more about yourself
Provides guidance of the unseen kind
Reveals paths taken or reveals a totally new path, possibly needed to be embarked on or possibly one that you are already on &
Provides an unseen insight into your past, current and future, just to name a few.
There are mysterious origins where the Tarot is concerned. The first decks were recorded in the 1400's and were from Italy. One of the oldest complete sets were made in Europe in the 15th Century. It was called the "Flemish Hunting Deck." They are held by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
If you haven't heard of Alister Crowley, he was a peculiar and confounding fellow. He was known for modernizing the Tarot. In 1938, Alister Crowley started creating the Thoth deck. He finished in 1943. To this day the Thoth deck has remained one of the best selling decks.
For those of you that do not know, Alister Crowley was an English Occultist. He was also a Novelist, painter, poet, mountaineer and a Ceremonial Magician. Wow! What a wide range of skills, right!! One of his famous sayings was "To Stop Means Simply to Die," Alister Crowley passed away in 1947.
The Tarot can help to find answers to inner problems; it can help one to face their struggles, even if they don't realize the struggles are even happening.
I have been doing Tarot readings now off and on for 20+ years and I can honestly say that if one is open to it, Tarot can provide an unseen light into your current, past and/or give you some insight into what could very well come to be in the future.
There are many other instruments other than the Tarot used for Divination or Fortune-Telling. Tea-Leaf reading, Automatic Writing, Rune Casting, Astrology and even Horoscopes, are just a fraction of what can be used.
I hope to hear from you as to how you feel. Do you believe in the Tarot or think It's just a game? If you do believe, why do you believe? If you have any, what's your story with Tarot? If you ever had a reading, how did it go? Did you believe in your reader or the reading itself? Lets talk!
Song: Magic Man By: Heart
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